Kids. They are the only tactile link any of us have
with a time beyond our own. Fame, fortune,a better mouse trap - fuggeddaboudit.
Kids are the true goo of life, our ever-expanding missives to mañana,
bright faces turning to us for love and instruction, and giving us in return,
purpose, joy, and a clarity that you cain’t git any other way. They keep
us on our toes, insist that we become bigger than we would, left to our own
devices, and allow us to see the world in its most and least flattering lights.
They also happen to be a ton of fun to be around, which I have always kind of
known, but learned absolutely when I started playing for them.
Actually, that’s not entirely accurate. If all one attempts to do is play for children, they’re gonna sus you out in about 2 seconds flat and give you just the attention you deserve. If you get right into it with them, however, they will reward you with an affectionate loyalty and exuberance that is mo’ fun than chocolate, fresh snow, a waterslide in July, and cool new tennies - TOGETHER.
So, I try to bring to them the same joy that I get from them Were it not for that, all my adult notions and good intentions about positivity, and the endangered nature of childhood in our culture, and enthusiasm for things good and well done wouldn’t mean spit. ‘Cuz if it ain’t fun, it ain’t workin’. and if it ain’t workin’, those l’il eyes’ll tell ya quick, buck-o. So doncha git all high and mighty, they say, we get it. Put the hammer away; let’s laugh a little...